I Spy With My Little Eye

With their Mixed Reality Dance Performance I Spy With My Little Eye Anna-Carolin Weber and Company have toured a broad variety of art and new media festivals nationwide. As Artists in Residence at SomaFest, the group will continue to develop its series of I Spy With My Little Eye performances, and visitors can participate in
the development process of a site-specific version, premiering as part of the SomaExpo on August 19th & 20th. Don´t miss your chance to experience a playful One-On-One performance! Dates for participation will be released soon.
About I Spy With My Little Eye
A performer wearing virtual reality glasses moves within a marked area while dancing. Nearby, a person draws something in the air with expansive arm movements. Although the two people cannot look each other in the eye, they seem connected.
They move towards each other, away from each other, around each other and engage in a dialogue on the level of movement. What constitutes their (in)visible connection?
In the mixed-reality dance performance „I SPY WITH MY LITTLE EYE“, visitors playfully encounter a real dancer via virtual reality as a medium of contact. With and in front of the audience, space-consuming, virtual movement sculptures are created in a non-verbal dialogue through drawing, movement and imagination – each unique traces of a unique encounter choreography.
Upon entering the space, visitors become part of the performance. As an audience, you can wander around the playing area, follow the encounters and imagine the invisible sculptures. You can book a slot for the virtual reality experience in the format of the continuous 20-minute one-on-one encounters and thus become part of the encounter with the dancer yourself.
Artistic Direction: Anna-Carolin Weber in collaboration with Tobias Kopka
Dramaturgy: René Reith
Performance: Helena Miko, René Reith, Anna-Carolin Weber
Sound & Live-DJing: Philip Kühn, Max Kolb
Light Design & Stage: Jasper Gather, Marlon Brodda
VR-Handling: Max Kolb, Phillip Dittmann
Live-Videography: Alessandro De Matteis
Artistic Assistance: Phillip Dittmann
The performance project „I SPY WITH MY LITTLE EYE – Duets for Two Hands and One Head“ (2022) is funded by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR program, tanz:digital aid program of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland. With the kind support of PATHOS Munich, Tanztheater Schlebusch, Curatomic and SomaFest – XR With All Senses 2023.